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5 Tips For Starting Your New Website

1. Plan Pages and Content:

Plan what kind of pages you want to add to your website, for example, FAQ’s, a blog section, services and about us etc. Moreover, you need to plan the content you want to add on the pages, or better yet, get it done by a professional.

2. Make Use of SEO:

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a tool, which can help your website appear on the top of search results from different search engines, and increase the number of clicks – as well as the number of sales you make. Incorporate as many SEO strategies as possible in order to gain its maximum benefits.

3. Insert Images:

Then, you need to add some engaging pictures over your website, which needs to be according to the services you are rendering or the product you are selling, for example, if you are selling a health guide, a few fruits would be nice!

4. Build a Logo:

One of the most important things you need to consider is a business logo. A business logo can help prospects identify your brand name and your product, and this promotes the customer loyalty you gained through your services.

5. Test Your Website:

After you are done with the above mentioned tips, make sure to run the bug tests one last time. This seals the deal and makes your website is protected and good to go!

Having a website can help you prove your metal and your worth to your prospects; however, without following a proper website start-up, it is impossible. In order to get more ideas about a website, send us a message and find out everything you need to know, we are here to help.

Source(s): Verb Marketing Solutions Ltd, (2019)

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