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The Power of Networking

Networking is an effective way of communicating and sharing information with other professionals. This allows for businesses and smaller organisations to benefit from the information provided.

Online Networking is as quick and easy way to build up connections. This method of networking usually doesn’t cost anything to do (besides paying the monthly Wi-Fi bill). This type of networking can feel less personal and doesn’t give the interactive aspect of networking. However it is more convenient and useful to network online.

Offline networking such as going to regular meet ups with professionals or having coffee with those online connections you made earlier are great for creating a solid bond. Offline networking can be as simple as having a dinner with your co-workers or a coffee with your boss. This sort of networking should be encouraged more widely within companies to make the working environment more comfortable and less awkward.

Networking isn’t hard and can be started at work. This simple form of creating connections can benefit employees and professionals in the short term  as well as in the long run. Networking is about forming connections with other people who have the same interests and not as a name that is clustered up in a list that is only needed when their time comes.

Source(s): Veran Performance Limited, (2019)

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